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Global2015 is currently submitting fact sheets on selected targets to the UN negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda. These targets have been proposed by the UN Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.
Each topic-related fact sheet provides data on:
The fact sheets use the latest available data, the majority of which is drawn from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study 2015 and the WHO Global Health Estimates 2014.
List of fact sheets:
The fact sheets are based on the latest Global2015 proposal "Data-derived Recommendations for Post-2015 Targets". Inter alia, this proposal assesses trend changes achieved by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and derives from that an average level of aspiration for the SDGs. Furthermore, it suggests an approach to define global targets that accommodate different national trends and country conditions, and includes target recommendations for several topics. Its detailed sources list is also used for some of the fact sheets.
Download proposal here: Data-derived Recommendations for Post-2015 Targets, 15 pages plus a 17-page annex, PDF, 837914B (kilobytes)
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Preferred languages: English, German.